Q & A

What is a Sports Combine?
· A sports combine is a combination of certain sport-specific conditioning drills to determine speed, strength and skill level. The athletes' abilities are put on display for coaches and scouts interested in the evaluation of the athlete.
What is the difference between a Sports Combine and a Free Agent Camp?
· Sports Combines will feature a limited number of players to target and test multiple aspects of a player’s specific abilities and game play. Sports Combine also contain educational seminars and resource tools.
· Free Agent Camps are generally open tryouts that typically do not skill test individual abilities, but contain a number of scrimmage games and players are evaluated on game play.
Do you have direct access to professional agents, scouts, or coaches?
- Yes, our staffing is well-connected and works directly with college and professional teams. Most of our staff will consist of college/ professional coaches and scouts, as well as invited guests.
Which sports testing does M&M International offer?
- Basketball (Professional, Collegiate, High School)
- Football (Collegiate, High School, High School)
- Soccer (Collegiate, High School, High School)